Adopting a baby is one of the single greatest joys of any adoptive parent’s life. It’s therefore imperative that you do your homework before choosing an attorney to assist and guide you through this complicated process. The right attorney can help you comfortably navigate the adoption journey with confidence.

Ask about Their Legal Practice

Adoptions are unique legal matters that call for highly specific expertise; it is in your best interests to seek an attorney who focuses at least part of their practice on adoptions.

Additionally, choose an adoption attorney with whom you feel comfortable working and whose values regarding adoption align with your own – someone who listens to you, thoroughly answers your questions, is sensitive to your concerns and feelings, and is available and responsive.

Talking to other adoptive parents who’ve been through the process and might have attorney recommendations is a great place to start. Adoption is too critical an endeavor to leave to legal chance.

Ask about the Services They Provide

Ask your prospective adoption attorney about how comprehensive the firm’s adoption-related services are:

  • Which services do they provide and are there any that they don’t provide?
  • Will they actively help you in finding an adoption option? • Do they handle all the necessary legal work – if not, why not
  • Will they match you to a birth mother?

Ask about the Inherent Risks of Adoption

Adoptions are not risk free, and they can become expensive. It’s imperative that you speak openly with prospective attorneys about these risks – both financial and emotional.

Make sure that you feel comfortable with the information provided and that it aligns with your values and your adoption budget. An attorney who won’t openly discuss the facts and costs of a prospective adoption is not a good bet – keep looking.

Ask about the Process

A good adoption attorney should be able to provide you with a thorough outline of the adoption process and should be able to explain it to you in a way that you can relate to.

The attorney that you ultimately choose should not only be knowledgeable about the entire adoption process but should help you feel comfortable within that process.

If You Are Considering Adopting in Arizona, Contact Stuart & Blackwell Today

At Stuart & Blackwell, we know how emotionally fraught the adoption process can be, and we are here to help. We’ve made it our mission to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident throughout the adoption journey.

We specialize in adoption law, and we have the experience and the commitment to help you adopt your baby. So contact us or call us at 480-420-2900 today.