Child adoption in Arizona, like in many regions, can vary widely in cost depending on several factors based on individual circumstances and the specifics of each case.

The cost of a private adoption that does not involve an agency for matching purposes may range from $8,000 to $40,000 but often averages between $13,000 to $25,000. Every adoption path is different. Families who choose to do an independent adoption with a private adoption attorney typically take an active role in identifying the expectant mother they wish to work with and the child they hope to adopt.

Typical expenses for an independent adoption, in the United States, without an agency involved generally include:

  • Attorney fees for the birth parents
  • Attorney fees for the adoptive parents
  • Medical expenses associated with the pregnancy and delivery of baby
  • Living expenses to help with expectant mother’s needs during pregnancy
  • Counseling services for the expectant mother

3 Tips to Save Money on Child Adoption

Adopting a child is a beautiful and fulfilling journey, but it can be financially demanding. Here are three practical tips to help you save money when pursuing adoption.

Take Advantage of Grants and Subsidies

Many organizations and foundations offer financial assistance to prospective adoptive parents. Some grants are based on financial need or specific to certain types of adoption, such as special needs, older children, or sibling groups. A few organizations we recommend to check out are the Gift of Adoption Fund, Help Us Adopt, and the National Adoption Foundation.

Additionally, the federal government provides an Adoption Tax Credit, which can help offset some of the costs associated with adoption. Conducting thorough research and applying early for these grants and subsidies can result in significant savings. For any Adoption Tax Credit questions, please contact 1st Choice Tax Services

Consider Exploring Child Adoption Through Foster Care

Adopting a child from foster care is an affordable option as there are little to no costs involved, and legal expenses are either covered or reimbursed by the state. Moreover, you may be eligible for a monthly adoption subsidy until the child turns 18 and DCS provides for the child’s health insurance.

This route not only significantly reduces the financial burden associated with private or international adoptions but also allows providing a safe and loving home to a deserving child. 

Fundraise Creatively 

Online crowdfunding platforms and community events can be powerful tools for raising money for your adoption journey. Sharing your adoption story on social media can inspire generosity from friends, family, and even strangers who want to support you in making the dream of expanding your family more attainable. 

Fundraising events such as yard sales, bake sales, or charity runs can also contribute significantly to your adoption fund while simultaneously raising awareness about adoption. In 2021, one of our amazing clients, Christian and Melissa O’Leary, raised over $20,000 to help with their adoption costs by serving a widow in their community. Check out their incredible story on YouTube.

Adoption should not be a privilege reserved only for those who can afford it. There are ways to make it more attainable for prospective parents who may face financial constraints. This can be achieved through seeking out grants and subsidies, considering adoption through foster care, and implementing creative fundraising strategies. By doing so, more families can have the opportunity to expand and fulfill their dreams of parenthood through adoption.

At Stuart & Blackwell, our attorneys have the experience, knowledge, and compassion to help you welcome a child into your loving home. Call us today at (480) 420-2900 to schedule an initial consultation and learn how we can get you started on your adoption process and assist with your adoption journey.