November is National Adoption Month! At Stuart and Blackwell, we celebrate this month to honor ever-growing families, encourage awareness about adoption, and advocate for the children still awaiting their forever home.

What is National Adoption Month?
November is dedicated to spreading awareness about adoption and how it dramatically impacts families and communities worldwide. By engaging youth and providing resources, National Adoption Month has provided children and teens with the love, support, and sense of belonging they have longed for. Prospective adoptive families also have the opportunity to learn more about the process and attend celebratory events to become more involved within the community.

How You Can Celebrate National Adoption Month
This year, several celebrations encourage communities to spread the word about adoption. On November 5th, Pinal County Superior Court will join the communities across the country to finalize their adoptions. This special day will bring many families together and bring long-lasting memories for a lifetime. The Maricopa County National Adoption Day Foundation will also have an in-person event on Saturday, November 19th, where families will join in courts and celebrate their family’s whole.

Spread the Word
Spreading the word about adoption is one of the most impactful ways to be involved in this outreach. Bringing children to their forever families is a special moment not many have the privilege of witnessing. Sharing information about events, fundraising, etc., is one of the best ways to show support. National Adoption Month is right around the corner, and the team at Stuart Blackwell could not be more excited to give you every resource you need.

Helpful Resources:
Maricopa County National Adoption Day Foundation
National Adoption Month
National Adoption Awareness Month